Windy Weasel is a wind-element based monster of which is located within Snowfield.
Windy Weasel is a very sleak and agile looking animal, quite thin with a very fluffy tail. Its fur is blue and white. It has red eyes and large claws.
This monster is probably the weakest enemy in this location dealing average damage, low health and no Status Ailments. Their magical defence is higher than physical defence, however, it is low enough for magic to still be effective even if it is not their elemental weakness, earth.
- Flip Kick - Lunges towards a single opponent, leapes upwards and kicks down dealing medium physical damage.
- Spinning Gale - An attack all spell item dealing medium wind-elemental magical damage.
Do note, this monster can evade your attacks with a given probability.
Encounter rate: Very common
Battle pairing / formation[]
All battle formations of which you will encounter a Windy Weasel.
Upon defeat, this monster may drop the spell item Rave Twister with a rare probability of 8%. It can be bought for 20 gold. This is a (multi) all-enemy wind element spell item. A large factor in obtaining it is the rarity of the monster. Average of 10 minutes to obtain; as always, this varies per person.
Disc 3 Monsters |
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Kadessa |
Gnome · Fairy · Puck · Spinning Head · Toad Stool |
Mountain of Mortal Dragon |
Baby Dragon · Beastie Dragon · Deadly Spider · Mega Sea Dragon · Wyvern |
Kashua Glacier |
Mammoth · Land Skater · Icicle Ball · Freeze Knight · Rocky Turtle |
Snowfield |
Bowling · Mr Bone · Wildman · White Ape ·Windy Weasel |
Vellweb |
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