The Legend of Dragoon Wiki

True Dragoon, should we state that there is a way to tell if someone is the true dragoon? Note Meru and Damia where the same Dragoon Armor and use the same weapon, while Lenus does not have the same armor or weapon, I would imagine the true dragoons, use the same equipment and where the same armor. Note: Syuviel, Lavitz and Greham (greham has different dragoon magic however) where the same armor and use the same weapon, but Albert inherited the dragoon, perhaps Albert's Armor is different because of his royal status, or it may be because he was never to be the true Jade Dragoon, but ended up having to be as the true one died in Hellena. Meru and Damia have the same armor and weapon, but Lenus has slightly different armour and a different weapon, aswell as different dragoon magic. Shirley, Miranda and Shana have the same weapon but Shana's weapon looks different in Dragoon form. Sirley and Miranda's armor is the same while Shana's is different. Kongol and Belzac were the same as with Kanzas and Haschel, Dart and Zieg's armor is the same although Ziegs Flame show and Final Burst seem more powerful and look different, also Zigs sword looks different in Dragoon form. As you can imagine this gives alot to think about. Although Doel had different weapons and armor then Haschel and Kanzas, there is another way to tell.Silver Praetor 21:13, July 6, 2010 (UTC)