Succubus is a Darkness-element monster located within Vellweb.
These Succubi are female demons, in this case taking a humanoid form. She is quite tall, taller infact than all the heroes except Kongol. Her skin is white, however, her arms, wings, legs, and horns are purple. Her only clothing consists of some fabric drapped over her waist, cloth pauldrons, and some sort of shirt. She wears gems such as the large one on her forehead and the ones on the fabric along her waist. The most prominent feature about her is most undoubtedly her large wings.
A succubus is a demon in female form or supernatural entity in folklore that may appear in dreams or at night and takes the form of a woman in order to seduce men, and usually drains them in some way that usually involves sexual activity. The male counterpart is the incubus, grouped is known as succubi.
Watch out for its ability to use Succubus Spell. Bewitchment can always turn the tide of battle, but the Spell can do Magic damage on top of that. The Succubus deals nothing special other than medium damage and is fairly quick to take down, what with its slightly below average defence. Keep in mind, unless you are using light-element spell items or dragoon magic, melee will be more affective against this monster due to its higher magical defence.
- Cape Twist - Flies towards a single target and spins several times which launches attacks dealing medium physical damage.
- Succubus Spell - Sends a black swarm of energy towards a single opponent dealing medium magical damage and inflicting Bewitchment with a given probability upon hit.
Battle pairing / formation[]
- Encounter rate: Uncommon
All battle formations in which you will encounter a Succubus:
- Succubus
- Succubus + Spring Hitter
Upon defeat, this creature may drop the accessory Platinum Collar with a very rare probability of 2%. If you did not already purchase this item at the item shop in Fletz, this is who you will need to defeat in order to obtain one, unless of course you already unlocked The Death City Mayfil and have Coolon at your disposal. This item can be pretty useful depending on how you play and what characters you prefer to use, due to getting MP upon physically being attacked. It can be bought in Fletz for 1,000 gold. The average time to needed to obtain one from these succubi is 30 minutes. As always, this varies.
Disc 3 Monsters |
Evergreen Forest |
Flying Rat · Dark Elf · Forest Runner · Moss Dresser · Wounded Bear |
Kadessa |
Gnome · Fairy · Puck · Spinning Head · Toad Stool |
Mountain of Mortal Dragon |
Baby Dragon · Beastie Dragon · Deadly Spider · Mega Sea Dragon · Wyvern |
Kashua Glacier |
Mammoth · Land Skater · Icicle Ball · Freeze Knight · Rocky Turtle |
Snowfield |
Bowling · Mr Bone · Wildman · White Ape ·Windy Weasel |
Vellweb |
Maximum Volt · Terminator · Succubus · Spring Hitter ·Witch