The Legend of Dragoon Wiki

Stern Fish is a Water-element based monster which is located within The Magic City, Aglis. It uses Physical Attack Barrier and will occasionally attack, where Aqua King also uses the Magical Attack Barrier and never does.


Stern Fish is a very physically large, dark green / blue scaled fish with seaweed colored fins. It is a type of angler fish, with a bulb upon its head to attract prey. It has four fins above it and another four below, and the largest fin in the back. This fish has large teeth and a constantly angry face, it doesn't help that its body looks like a rock, so it definitely looks angry. The bulb upon its head is always off, and its body is easily the size of a person.

The adjective, "Stern", is a pun on the angry features and the name for the rear part of a sailing vessel.


Other than always being encountered alone, these opponents are similar in difficulty to a Minotaur since their health and both magical and physical defenses are high, rivaling that of the Minotaur. The big difference is how much faster they are, having faster than average speed. They use Physical Attack Barrier quite frequently, and so they are potentially good places to train Additions just as Spider Urchin and others were. Its attack and magic attack aren't too threatening though. As its health diminishes, the greater the odds of it using Fatal Blizzard.

  • Swim Around - Bashes into, than swims around a single target dealing medium physical damage.
  • Physical Attack Barrier - Becomes immune to all physical attacks for a single turn.
  • Fatal Blizzard - Powerful spell item dealing high water-element magical damage towards a single target.

Battle pairing / formation[]

  • Encounter rate: Uncommon

All battle formations in which you will encounter a Stern Fish:

  • Stern Fish


Upon defeat, this monster may drop the spell item Frozen Jet with a rare probability of 8%. It is the most powerful water-element spell item and so it is great against Fire enemies, however, it will do only half damage here due to all but the Minotaur being of water-element. There is actually only one fire enemy left to face in the game's progression, so there is almost NO efficient use of it. The average amount of time needed in farming to obtain this item is roughly 15 minutes.


Disc 4 Monsters
Death Frontier
Cactus · Canbria Dayfly · Sandworm · Scorpion · Spiky Beetle
Aqua King · Jelly · Minotaur · Scud Shark · Stern Fish
Harpy · Guillotine · Death Purger · Professor · Sky Chaser
Loner Knight · Hyper Skeleton · Human Hunter · Spector · Undead
Tower of Flanvel
Basilisk · Dragon Soldier · Madman · Metal Fang
Divine Tree
Cute Cat · Manticore · Mountain Ape · Slug · Pot Belly
Air Combat · Mad Skull · Psyche Druid · Roulette Face · Swift Dragon · Trap Plant · Triceratops · Unicorn
