The Legend of Dragoon Wiki
Status screen

The Status screen showing the statistics of the current character; in this case, Dart, after Kazas (Armet, Heat Blade, Iron Kneepiece) and before Donau (D'LV 3). The stats of equipment, like the AT of the Heat Blade and Power Wrist, are added together in the "Weapon" column

Combat statistics for characters in battle can be seen on the Status selection screen off the Menu. Their Dragoon forms' statistics are separate, and harder to find, but always much higher. Attack and defense statistics will rise with characters' level; others are only affected by equipment.

Character level[]

  • HP (Hit Points): Each point of damage reduces one Hit Point, and at zero HP the character is incapable of any action.
  • AT (Attack): Increases damage dealt by physical attacks
  • DF (Defense): Decreases damage received from physical attacks
  • M AT (Magic Attack): Increases damage dealt by magical attacks and magical attack items
  • M DF (Magical Defense): Decreases damage received from magical attacks


These stats are unaffected by character levels. Equipping certain items, and using the Power Up and Speed Up Repeat Items can raise most of them.[1]

  • SPEED: Speed affects the time it takes for each character's turn to come around.1
  • A-HIT (Attack Hit): Affects chance of physical attacks hitting
  • M-HIT (Magical Hit): Affects chance of magical attacks hitting
  • A-AV (Attack Avoidance): Gives a chance of physical attacks missing completely, doing no damage
  • M-AV (Magical Avoidance): Gives a chance of magical attacks missing completely, doing no damage.

1 Dancer's Shoes and Dancer's Ring for female characters and Bandit's Shoes and Bandit's Ring for males can improve speed greatly. There is also the Magical Greaves for all characters, which can be bought in Ulara at the start of disc 4.

Hit Points[]


A few Accessories and armor raise Hit Points (HP). This is one of the Stats that rise with character level. Males generally have higher HP; there is no balancing factor for females. HP, like Defense, Magic Defense and the Avoidance stats, is a passive stat that exists to create a challenge against which player actions can be measured; it does not contribute directly to the effort, IE, it does not add damage.

Hit Points at character level, and (estimated value):

Level Dart Rose Haschel Lavitz/Albert Meru Kongol Shana/Miranda
10 300
20 1077 646 861
30 2168 1517 1951 2384 2818 1734
40 3351 2345 3015 3686 2010 4356 2680
50 5801
60 7500



All weapons, and only a few Accessories and no armor, raise Physical Attack (Attack or AT). This is one of the Stats that rise with character level. Males generally have higher AT, balanced by females having higher Magic or Magical Attack (MAT).

Attack at character level, and (estimated value):

Level Dart Rose Haschel Lavitz/Albert Meru Kongol Shana/Miranda
10 22
20 47 37 29
30 72 70 90 108 143 43
40 97 88 121 146 62 198 61
50 122
60 150 104



All armor, and only a few Accessories and no weapons, raise Physical Defense (Defense or DF). This is one of the Stats that rise with character level. Males generally have higher DF, balanced by females having higher Magic or Magical Defense (MDF).

Chances are, Shana has higher defense, at higher levels, than you think.[2] Chances are, Meru has less. Rose has more of everything at lower levels, than everyone else; chances are, Rose has less of everything, at higher levels, than you think.

Defense at character level, and (estimated value):

Level Dart Rose Haschel Lavitz/Albert Meru Kongol Shana/Miranda
10 23
20 48 45 33 33
30 73 76 73 97 148 48
40 98 90 98 131 75 187 63
50 123
60 150 142 149

Magic Attack[]


Higher in females than males, as a rule, but Dart ending up higher than Rose at the highest level, 60, and Haschel higher than either. Males get a higher bonus to MAT in their Dragoon form, which evens things up a little. Dart, again, is the exception, with a bonus equal to Rose's.

Monsters such as the Dark Elf will use their Magic Attack stat for what appear to be physical attacks; in this example, its Detonate Arrow.

Magic Attack at character level, and (estimated value):

Level Dart Rose Haschel Lavitz/Albert Meru Kongol Shana/Miranda
10 21
20 46 59 70 87
30 71 72 54 48 35 143
40 96 89 95 66 145 48 194
50 121
60 150 150 255

Magic Defense[]


Higher in females than males, as a rule, with Dart ending up equal to Rose at the highest level, 60, and Haschel higher than either.

Magic Defense at character level, and (estimated value):

Level Dart Rose Haschel Lavitz/Albert Meru Kongol Shana/Miranda
10 21
20 48 50 63 89
30 71 79 56 45 32 144
40 98 92 95 58 129 47 196
50 121
60 150 150 254


Dancer's Shoes and Dancer's Ring for female characters and Bandit's Shoes and Bandit's Ring; each adds 20 Speed. There is only one Bandit's Shoes, whereas any number of the others can be "farmed" as drops. There is also the Magical Greaves for all characters at 10 Speed, which can be bought in Ulara at the start of disc 4.

Male Dragoons (the slowest three characters) are slower than female (the fastest two characters) as a rule, with Rose falling behind third fastest Haschel.

From fastest to slowest: Meru 70, Shana/Miranda 65, Haschel 60, Rose 55, Dart 50, Lavitz/Albert 40, and Kongol 30.

It is assumed that the Speed Up Repeat Item doubles the total speed, including Equipment, but the wording of the item's description does nothing to specify this.

Monster Speed starts around 50 at low levels and continues most of the game at around 60 to 70. This means enemies will occasionally get turns twice compared to slower characters.

Attack Hit %[]


Percentage chance to hit with Additions. The word "Miss" appears in red letters and the Addition does not continue

Magic Hit %[]


Chance to hit with Dragoon Magic or Attack Items

Attack Avoid[]


Players will be more familiar with the term, Evade

Magic Avoid[]


What may be a term unique to LoD; in other games it would be called 'Magic Evade'


