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Speed Up

Albert using the Speed Up item.

Speed Up is a one-of-a-kind Repeat Item that appears within The Legend of Dragoon. It can only be used once per battle to double a character's Speed (Agility) for the duration of three turns and can be found within the Valley of Corrupted Gravity. As your speed increases, naturally your attacks come faster. And so this item can be very useful during boss fights if you are in need of putting in some swift attacks. It is the third most important item (behind Speed Down and Magic Stone of Signet) for fighting Unique Monsters whom have high chance of Escaping battle. It saves time Guarding when leveling a particular character's Additions or Dragoon Level.

Because it is multiplicative, rather than additive (two times the Speed, rather than, say, plus 50 Speed), it adds more speed to characters with higher Speed but for less time since higher speed characters will use up their three turn duration quicker. Ultimately, Speed Up allows one character to take 3 turns in the time they would normally take 1.5 turns giving any character it is used on a net 1.5 turn gain. Since it cost 1 turn to use it is only a 0.5 turn gain (assuming the battle lasts long enough) for a solo character. The best use of this item is generally considered to be using a low damage per turn character (or dart with max additions) to give up one of their turns for 1.5 turns of the higher damaging character (like Shana/Miranda when farming Unique Monsters).

No monsters are capable of using this item throughout the game. 


Valley of Corrupted Gravity: On the first screen, to the left, under the entrance path.