The Legend of Dragoon Wiki

The battle of the Seventh Fort between Sandora and Basil.

The Seventh Fort is an outpost of the Kingdom of Basil in the Marshlands during the Serdian War. It was the bastion where the 10th and 13th Knighthoods of the Kingdom of Basil were stationed.


After the successful defense of Hoax against the night raid by Imperial Sandora, a messenger arrives, delivering news that the Seventh Fort in the Marshlands is under attack by Sandoran Troops and a dragon. Having gained the newly awaked powers of the Dragoon, Dart, Lavitz, Rose and Shana make their way to find and vanquish the dragon.

Upon arriving at the Seventh Fort, there is still fighting going on between Knights of Basil and Sandoran Soldiers. Dart and his group beat the Sandoran Soldiers alongside their commander and enter the Fort, as there is no sign of the dragon. However, they witness the terrible aftermath of the battle, with dead soldiers lying all around, and find the mortally wounded head of the 10th knighthood still clinging to life. In his final moments, the head of the 10th Knighthood recognizes Lavitz and warns him of the dragon's poison; as he dies, he hands over his lucky amulet, a Wargod's Amulet.


A stardust can be found at the fireplace within the Seventh Fort.

