The Serdian War is a civil war between the northern Kingdom of Basil and the southern Imperial Sandora in the country of Serdio and the main plot in the first chapter of The Legend of Dragoon.
Serdio is split in two both by geography and ideology. Basil and Serdio's twenty-year war started when then-prince Doel murdered his brother, King Carlo. After Carlo's death, the only 6 years old Albert was named king; Doel defected, founded Imperial Sandora and declared war to seize the crown. Until recently, the power of the two states was evenly matched, and a truce was declared. However, shortly before the events of the game, Sandora obtained the power of a Dragon, Feyrbrand, tipping the balance of power in their favor. In consequence, Sandora broke the truce and re-ignated the war again.
Greham, who headed the 2nd Knighthood of the Kingdom of Basil, defected to Sandora when, thirteen years ago, he betrayed and killed Lavitz's father Servi Slambert, who was the former Head of the 1st Knighthood. Ten years ago, Basil suffered another loss when the Fifth Knighthood of Serdio was almost wiped out in the war.
First skirmishes[]
The war since the truce has become inextricably linked with the machinations of the Man In Hood, who began his preparations for restarting the war years before, and acts as a double agent for both the Kingdom of Basil and Imperial Sandora. At the start of the game, civil war gains new fuel as troops of Imperial Sandora attack Seles to kidnap Shana on the order of Emperor Doel who is advised to do so by Lloyd. Fruegel, a high-ranking commander of Sandora and Head Warden of Hellena, additionally orders his troops to destroy the town and kill its people, causing a massacre. Although not shown in the game itself, Rose hints at the dragon Feyrbrand also to have been used for the raid on Seles. As a lady in Seles tells it, reinforcements from Castle Indels are fended off by the guardian creature Urobolus at the Limestone Cave.
The First Knighthood of the Kingdom of Basil is wiped out shortly before the burning of Seles and abduction of Shana. The only survivors were Lavitz Slambert, Head of the 1st Knighthood, and a few knights that he later rescued from death in prison in Hellena. With the help of Dart, Lavitz is able to escape and report the fate of his men to the king. The slaughter of the First Knighthood was later accounted as a "miscalculation" by King Albert's tactician, the Man in Hood.
Despite failing to keep Shana in custody, Sandora stays on the offensive, going for another attack in Hoax. The eighth knighthood of Basil under command of Kaiser prepares for an attack by Sandora using the Dragon and faces a night raid where Sandora mobilizes a large amount of troops inclunding a Sandora Elite. While Sandora did not use the Dragon for the raid on Hoax, they sent another legendary fighter loyal to Emperor Doel, the Giganto warrior Kongol. With the help of Dart Feld's newly awaked Dragoon spirit and Lavitz's and Rose's support in battle, Basil narrowly escapes defeat and repels the attack, at the cost of the eight knighthood being almost annihilated. The exhausted soldiers later rejoice at the defeat of Kongol and name the Dragoons the "messiahs" of the Kingdom of Basil.
Overcoming the Dragon[]
Just one day after the attack on Hoax, Sandora attacks the Seventh Fort in the Marshlands, Basil's second major frontier outpost, with the support of their Dragon. The tenth and thirteenth knighthood of Basil are on the brink of annihilation, when Dart and his group interfere into the battle and beat the Sandora Soldiers. However, the only survivor they are able to find is the dying commander of the tenth knighthood, who warns them of the Dragon's poisonous power.
Eventually, Dart and his group find the dragon in the Dragon's Nest, being controlled by the Jade Dragoon, Greham, who used to be the commander of the second knighthood of Basil, but deflected to Sandora a long time ago and obtained the Dragoon's power from Emperor Doel. Dart, Lavitz, Shana and Rose eventually manage to overcome Greham and Feyrbrand, breaking the element Sandora's dominance in the civil war for the time being.
Basil's defeat[]
Despite the Dragon defeated, Sandora stays on the offensive. With the First, Tenth and Thirteenth Knighthoods of Basil defeated and the Fifth and Eighth presumably demobilized for a long time, Sandora launches a surprise attack on Bale by nearly the entire remaining Sandoran knighthood. In negotiation to keep the people of Bale safe, King Albert offers the surrender of Basil and himself as a hostage. He is subsequently incarcerated in Hellena Prison.
Dart and his group set out to liberate the King, who is supposed to stay alive on the orders of Emperor Doel, while head warden Fruegel firmly intends to kill him. The group launches a raid on Hellena, overcoming many obstacles including the legendary monster Jiango, and eventually find and kill Fruegel before he executes his plan on killing Albert. Despite successful in saving Albert, they fail to prevent Lloyd from stealing the Moon Gem from Albert's body, as Lloyd kills Lavitz in his attempt to stop him.
Ending the war[]
Devasted by the loss of Lavitz, Dart, Albert and their friends decide to end the war by directly confronting Emperor Doel in the Black Castle in Kazas. They face relatively low opposition, as the majority of the remaining Sandoran Knighthood is absent occupying Bale. On their way to Doel, they witness the poor quality of life of the Sandoran residents in Kazas, intriguing magical experiments conducted by researchers in the Black Castle, and even meet the Great Commander of Sandora, who tells them more about the relationship between Doel and Lloyd and begs them to "wake Emperor Doel up", wishing for peace for the Sandoran people. Overcoming Kongol for a second time, the group eventually reaches Doel in his throne room, who himself obtained the power of the Violet Dragoon. In the final battle of the first chapter, Dart, Albert and their allies are victorious, ending the 20-year long civil war and the division of Serdio in two states.
Despite now being the rightful ruler of a unified Serdio, Albert decides to temporarily postpone his royal duties and live as a Dragoon instead, travelling together with Dart's group to prevent Lloyd from further causing havoc in other countries west of Serdio. Minister Noish acts as the King's deputy for the day-to-day businesses of Serdio, where peace is finally restored. The morale of the unified country is at a high again, with people on both the side of former Basil and Sandora renouncing war forever, the town of Lohan flourishing again in business and quality of merchants, Seles being on the way to restoration, and the life quality of the former Sandoran residents in Kazas improving, as the former Great Commander of Sandora takes over Kazas as the major at the wish of Popo from the New Serdio Party. The Black Castle becomes a research facility for magic and is subsequently locked for the public.