The Legend of Dragoon Wiki
The Legend of Dragoon Wiki

Seles (セレスの村, Seresu no Mura, "Village of Celes") is the second hometown of Dart and where he and Shana grew up. Thirteen years later Dart leaves to take revenge on the Black Monster and is gone for three years. When he returns, Seles is nearly destroyed, burned to the ground, and many of the townspeople dead.

The first Stardust can be found here. Collecting all the Stardust enables an optional boss late in the game, and gives access to powerful items, some of which cannot be obtained elsewhere

Seles is a Town, with only scripted encounters: two encounters, one with two Sandoran soldiers, another with the Commander and two Sandoran soldiers


Chapter 1: The Serdian War[]

The Return Home[]

The second home of both Shana and Dart, in which they both grew up. Burned to the ground by Freugel and his minions, who considered this diversion a bonus they deserved for kidnapping Shana.

When Dart first makes it to the edge of the village, he finds two Sandoran troops attacking an elderly resident and stops them. The soldiers take him for a mercenary and taunt him with their plans to occupy and subdue the area. Finished with the soldiers he goes to the aid of the man, who explains that war has come, even to "such an outlying area" as Seles. He implores Dart to save Shana, but before he can tell Dart anymore, he dies.

Seles 2

Dart moves on to a burned down house where his friend Plos is lying face down. He helps Plos to the house and tries to find out what happened to the town. Plos explains that abducting Shana was the objective for which Seles was attacked; she has been taken somewhere. A Sandoran Commander and two soldiers confront Dart; the commander reveals that Shana was taken to Hellena Prison. Dart is indignant: "You attacked the village only to kidnap Shana?" "Exactly," responds the Commander, "but don't worry. We'll allow you to follow her. But not to Hellena." He raises his sword. "To Hell". The Commander rushes forward, into the first boss battle of the game. After the battle, Plos reassures Dart that the townspeople will rally. The two children in the ruins behind Plos enthusiastically respond to the plans to rebuild the town.

An optional tutorial on the timing system used for Additions can be initiated by speaking with Master Tasman near the exit to the Forest road.

Leaving town initiates a cutscene set in Hellena Prison.

Shana is shoved into her cell. The Man in Hood stands with Fruegel on a bridge in the prison. The Man in Hood has come from Seles to ensure Shana safety and secure custody; he refuses to satisfy Fruegel's curiousity about their prisoner. Fruegel tries in vain to assert his autonomy, but all he does is move directly in front of the oncoming train of the Man in Hood's authority. "Only his Majesty Doel can order me!" objects Fruegel. Fruegel seems to have missed the point of the Man in Hood's alliance with Doel. "Anyway..." says the Man. The word lingers over his dismissal of Fruegel's protestations. He moves on. "You must remember this." He strikes Fruegel to the ground. "If you make a scratch on her, it'll cost more than your head. This is a message from Emperor Doel." Fruegel relieves his frustration on a passing minion, hurling him into a dark abyss below.

After Lavitz is killed after the 2nd battle with Fruegul, the Dragoons return to Seles, before deciding to journey to the Black Castle in Kazas to face Emperor Doel.

Chapter 2: Platinum Shadow[]

If Dart backtracks to Seles, he and Shana are greeted by Lowe and Isha, who excitedly announce the return of Shana's adoptive mother and father. They tearfully reunite; Shana assures them she will see them again, and Shana's father requests protection for Shana from Dart.

Chapter 3: Fate and Soul[]

Main article: Story of Fate and Soul

Shana's adoptive parents, if visited in Seles, again urge Dart to take care of Shana after Dart tells them of her predicament.

Chapter 4: Moon And Fate[]

After the defeat of Melbu Frahma. There is cut scene where Dart and Shana are overseeing the rebuilding of Seles.


Item Screenshot
Burn Out, at and after the first battle, near the Save Point
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Main article: Stardust
Location Screenshot
On one of the grave stones in front of the tree. Seles stardust 1


Two scripted encounters: two Knight of Sandora and Commander alongside two Knight of Sandora

Notice: Stats in parentheses are from the Japanese version (if they differ from the American/European release).

Name Element HP EXP Gold Drops
Knight of Sandora Fire 5
2 3 Healing Potion (100%)
Commander Dark 14
24 26 Burn Out (100%)
2x Healing Potion (100%)

The Knight of Sandora have two attacks, none of which are very threatening. The Commander will use a combination of a basic attack or a Burn Out. Once his health is around 50%, he'll heal himself. If the two knights are killed or flee, he'll use Power Up, buffing his basic attack.

The first battle with the two Knight of Sandora can be dealt with by two successful Additions. The second battle is possible to end in a single turn with a high percentage Burn Out on the Commander, causing the two remaining knights to flee. Otherwise, a single Addition followed by a Burn Out on the Commander will suffice. It's best to use the Addition first in this case, as the Burn Out will likey do too much damage and you risk having the Commander heal himself. Alternatively, you can take out a Knight first, but this is not optimal as it wastes more turns than necessary.


Optional scenes[]

  • If you visit the town after obtaining Shana's Dragoon Spirit, a scene will take place
  • If you come back during Disc 2, after the Serdian War, you will see a scene where Shana's adoptive parents (the mayor and his wife) come back to town and Shana reunites with them
  • If you come back to Seles after Shana is replaced by Miranda, one final scene will take place between Shana's adoptive parents and Dart