The Legend of Dragoon Wiki

Sandora Soldiers (サンドラ兵, Sandora-hei) are the field personnel who go on offensives. Unlike their cousin, the Knight of Sandora, they are very offensive instead of defensive.


The Sandora soldiers have black and red armor, and carry a sword in their right hand. The interesting part is that they come in multiple varieties. In Hoax there is a weaker fire based version. In the Seventh Fort there is a stronger fire version, and a water-based version that wears silver/gray armor with blue trim.


Main article: Battle


The player will only fight a few of these type, and they are not very impressive.

  • Dagger Throw - The Sandora Soldier will throw a dagger at the target.
  • Dagger Swipe - The Sandora Soldier rushes up to the target and swipe them with a dagger


The Soldiers appear on the journeying play field in single combat with soldiers of Basil, and then in battle as pairs of soldiers: one Fire and one Water. Before each battle, the player is given a dialogue option which allows them to turn back and try again or leave. There are five pairs, followed by the Commander.

Fire Based[]

Always appears on the allies' left in the battles in the Seventh Fort.

  • Dagger Throw - The Sandora Soldier will throw a dagger at the target.
  • Dagger Swipe - The Sandora Soldier rushes up to the target and swipes them with a dagger.

Water Based[]

Always appears on the allies' right in the battles in the Seventh Fort. Weaker against physical attacks. If your next attack would leave him at red health just before his turn, Guard instead, to avoid his magic.

  • Dagger Throw - The Sandora Soldier will throw a dagger at the target.
  • Dagger Swipe - The Sandora Soldier rushes up to the target and swipes them with a dagger
  • Spear Frost - The Sandora Soldier uses Water based magic like the item Spear Frost

Disc 1 Monsters
Knight of Sandora · Commander
Berserk Mouse · Assassin Cock · Trent · Goblin
Hellena Prison
Hellena Warden · Senior Warden · Fowl Fighter
Vampire Kiwi · Mole · Crescent Bee · Mantis
Limestone Cave
Evil Spider · Orc · Screaming Bat · Slime ·Ugly Balloon
Sandora Soldier · Commander · Crocodile · Merman · Myconido · Sea Dragon
Volcano Villude
Salamander · Fire Spirit · Magma Fish · Red Hot
Nest of Dragon
Lizard Man · Mandrake · Man Eating Bud · Run Fast · Tricky Bat
Shrine of Shirley
Crystal Golem · Gargoyle · Living Statue · Plague Rat · Strong Man
Black Castle
Knight of Sandora · Sandora Elite · Hell Hound
