The Legend of Dragoon Wiki

Sallet is a headgear piece of Armor which is equippable by all five of the male characters. This item cannot be obtained by treasure chest or as a drop from regularly encounterable, unique, or boss monsters.

How to obtain[]

There is only but a single method to obtain it, that is to travel to the city of Bale and purchase it from the equipment shop located on the second screen. Once you enter, the vendor will sell to you that piece for 40 Gold each.


This armor is the first of many to become a possible game changer in the midst of battle as it grants you a 10% higher probability to hit your opponents, which altogether is a great feature as some monsters have high evasion. The increased magical prowess is also a very useful effect, the more so the more the player uses Dragoon spells or Attack Items. Useful for the duration of the first and second discs. This item is good if you want to use either form of attack since magically you will put out more damage and physically you will most undoubtedly hit each time. Recommended to use upon availability.


Description Location
Equipment shop in Bale
Sallet in Equipment Shop Bale