The Legend of Dragoon Wiki

Princess Lisa of Tiberoa (リサ, Risa) is one of the princesses of Tiberoa. She is the younger daughter of King Zior and younger sister to Princess Emille, and resides in the Star Tower of the Twin Castle in Fletz.


WARNING: Section contains spoilers.

Dart and his group meet Princess Lisa during their visit to the Twin Castle, when she instructs her maid Libria to meet the group and bring her to her. Using astrology, she knows about the identity of Albert as the King of Serdio, and tells the group the story of Emille undergoing a radical change of personality after an accident on a horseride half a year ago, following by bandits starting to roam all over Tiberoa.

LOD Princess Lisa

Dart and his group meeting Princess Lisa.

Later on, when the group found out about the true identity of the "Princess Emille" residing in the castle, she goes with Dart and his friends to search for the real Princess Emille inside the castle, despite being ill at the day of the coming of age ceremony. Together, they manage to find the real Emille and interrupt the coming of age ceremony in which the Moon Dagger is passed. Eventually, although the group is unsuccessful in retrieving the Moon Dagger, peace is restored all over Tiberoa by ending the tyranny of the Gehrich Gang and defeating the Sea Dragon of Illisa Bay.

She seems to harbor a crush on the plant specialist Nello, whom she watches through the telescope in her room. When the heroes return from their journey after defeating Lenus, a brief scene is shown that hints of her attraction where the princess passionately describes his qualities (although not mentioning his name at the time) and becomes nervous when she realizes the group overheard her. During CD 4, when visiting her again before going to Rouge, she can be seen again watching from top of her tower, this time calling Nello by his name and congratulating him in a self-talk on being successful in planting the first growing sprouts in the Barrens.

She appears once more in the ending scene in Fletz, with her father King Zior, congratulating Nello on his success, who enthusiastically shakes her hand much to the amusement of her father.


Princess Emille and Lisa

Like her sister Emille, Princess Lisa is a graceful, kind and caring young woman. In a bit of a contrast to her sister, though, and possibly due to her younger age, she has a tendency to get nervous or worried in difficult situations or when caught off-guard. She a gifted astrologer, and presumably has a crush on the plant specialist Nello, and is occasionally melancholic about unfulfilled love.

