The Legend of Dragoon Wiki

Piggy is an earth element creature which can be located within the Home of Gigantos. It drops an Attack Item that is the ultimate answer to all the Unique Monsters: the dark horse item Sachet. As good as Sachet is, it is probably the weakest of the items found here: the Berserker drops Energy Girdle and the Gangster enemies drop Bandit's Ring, too. And there are Rock Fireflies nearby. "Farming" this area offers great rewards, although the drop chances are low and so the time spent will likely be high.


The outward appearance of Piggy is very similar to that of its weaker cousin Orc with but only a few exceptions, being that its sickle, armor and shield now have been enhanced with a new variation.


Main article: Battle

These creatures usually fight two at a time and or with other opponents such as Gangster or Berserker . They aren't too damaging, although their stinky sigh ability inflicts Stun on hit. They can spam it when their health reaches critical. These may be the most common creature in the area.

  • Sickle rush - Runs towards a single opponent and slashes them with its sickle.
  • Stinky sigh - Runs towards a single opponent, sighs on them dealing average magic damage and inflicting Stun to a single target.

Battle pairing / formation[]

  • Encounter rate: Very common

All battle formations in which you will encounter a Piggy:


The Piggy drops a Sachet with a drop probability of 1%. The Sachet is a useful item to defeat Unique Monsters, which give large amounts of gold, experience or rare items. Since the Sachet cannot be bought and is only found in three different locations during the game, the player needs to acquire additional Sachets from Piggies.


Disc 2 Monsters
Arrow Shooter · Earth Shaker · Frilled Lizard · Scissorhands · Stinger
Valley of Corrupted Gravity
Dragonfly · Erupting Chick · Killer Bird · Roc · Spider Urchin
Home of Gigantos
Berserker · Crafty Thief · Gangster · Piggy
Phantom Ship
Death · Magician Bogey · Skeleton · Will-O-Wisp
Undersea Cavern
Flabby Troll · Glare · Mermaid · Screw Shell ·Sea Piranha

