The underground fort in Kazas, where the New Serdio Party resides.
The New Serdio Party is a civil movement among residents of Imperial Sandora.
The New Serdio Party is a resident union among people of Kazas, the capital of Imperial Sandora, to help people in poverty and need and support each other in times of war and uncertainity. It is mostly comprised of people of low social status, dissatisfied with the war and the country's policies. The headquarter of the New Serdio Party is located in the underground fort of Kazas.
The main representative of the New Serdio Party is Popo, a young boy who lost contact to his parents within the events of the war.
When wandering through the downtown of Kazas, members of the New Serdio Party can be heard yelling in the "griping rooms" in the rear of some houses along the main road. The party later encounters Popo, who first tests Dart's and his party's convictions about the war and its consequences for the people involved in it. Upon passing his questions, Albert reveals his identity and his plans to end the war personally to Popo. An overjoyed Popo proceeds to lead the group towards an underground tunnel in the fort leading to the Black Castle, and speaks of his hopes to finally be able to search for his parents when the war ends.
When the player speaks to Popo after the civil war ended, he happily tells the group that his father is now among the knights guarding the Black Castle, which has been changed into a research facility for magic after the end of the war. It was at Popo's wish that the former Great Commander of Sandora's army becomes the mayor of Kazas.
Despite the New Serdio Party reaching the majority of its goals after the end of the civil war, its members can still be heard in the "griping rooms" afterwards.