Moss Dresser is an Earth-element based monster which is located within Evergreen Forest. With such dangerous enemies as the Forest Runner and Dark Elf around, the Moss Dresser does not seem very threatening.
Moss Dresser is a type of living tree, the far more powerful cousin of Trent. This creature is named after its physical appearance, since it is completely coated in moss. This monster, like others within the Evergreen Forest, most likely developed life due in part to the strong magical presence from the Forest of Winglies, and in part from the stirring magic that the Winglies note is being awoken by the Divine Dragon breaking its chains.
- Main article: Battle
This monster is fairly straight forward with only a single attack, being a low physical damage dealing whip like strike using its head named Twig Whip. It attacks slowly, and so you will most likely go first. Moss Dresser is one of the few monsters of which can use the ability Power Up. That ability still does not make this monster very dangerous in battle, but it will take a few more hits to defeat now. They give decent experience given how easy and risk free it is to battle them. They are most undoubtedly the easiest creature in the location for the simplicity alone, when all you need to do is Guard to guarantee that you will not die.
- Twig Whip - Moves towards a single opponent, leans its head back and smacks its target for low physical damage in a whip like fashion.
- Power Up - Increases physical and magical attack power and defence by a 1.5x multiplier for the duration of three turns.
Battle pairing / formation[]
- Encounter rate: Very common
All battle formations of which you will encounter a Moss Dresser:
- Moss Dresser
- Moss Dresser x2
- Moss Dresser + Forest Runner x2
Moss Dresser can drop the healing item Healing Fog with a rare probability of 8%. This item is the advanced version of Healing Potion, what with its capability to fully heal a single ally and all, rather than half heal, however, it can be bought at stores from the start of this third disc and onwards for only 30 gold each, and from Lohan on the first disc. These take on average 10 minutes to obtain one. As always, this varies per person.
Disc 3 Monsters |
Evergreen Forest |
Flying Rat · Dark Elf · Forest Runner · Moss Dresser · Wounded Bear |
Kadessa |
Gnome · Fairy · Puck · Spinning Head · Toad Stool |
Mountain of Mortal Dragon |
Baby Dragon · Beastie Dragon · Deadly Spider · Mega Sea Dragon · Wyvern |
Kashua Glacier |
Mammoth · Land Skater · Icicle Ball · Freeze Knight · Rocky Turtle |
Snowfield |
Bowling · Mr Bone · Wildman · White Ape ·Windy Weasel |
Vellweb |
Maximum Volt · Terminator · Succubus · Spring Hitter ·Witch
Cousins |