The Legend of Dragoon Wiki
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Deningrad with the Crystal Palace in the background, before it is attacked

Mille Seseau is a country in the north of Endiness ruled by Queen Theresa.


Mille Seseau is situated in the northern part of the continent, right next to the Death Frontier on its southern border and Gloriano on its western border. To the southast of the country, the Ilissa Bay seperates Mille Seseau from Tiberoa.

Mille Seseau's capital, and Miranda's birthplace and home, is in Deningrad, which houses a huge elaborate palace made out of crystal. Mille Seseau is also the birth country of Dart, who was born in Neet, and Meru, who hails from the Forest of Winglies. Unbeknownst to her, Shana was presumably also born here.

Mille Seseau has a very cold climate, especially in the winter, consisting mostly of forests and snowy forests. On its southern part, for example in Furni, the climate seems to be more mild and warm.

Notable locations in Mille Seseau include:

Despite its exact location being unknown, the Forbidden Land is also somewhere in Mille Seseau, as the group is sent there from the Forest of Winglies.


Possibly due to having the National Library as well as a bishophood in Deningrad, the people of Mille Seseau appear to be rather educated and deeply religious in their belief of the Divine Tree and the creator Soa. However, there are strong regional differences, with the people of Furni being more nature-oriented and displaying a more carefree, "Tiberoan" mentality in comparison.

Notable people from Mille Seseau include:
