The Legend of Dragoon Wiki
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The Man in Hood

He is a mysterious figure quietly giving orders from the shadows. He commends the respect of even the most brutal men. He overseas the kidnapping and imprisonment of Shana but is surely connected to even darker deeds.

-The manual

The Man in Hood, also known as The Hooded Man or The Man in Black, is an antagonist in the first chapter of The Legend of Dragoon. His identity is revealed towards the end of the chapter.


The Man in Hood is first seen during the Sandoran raid on Seles. Using a mysterious gem that resonates with the moon's power, the Great Commander of Sandora confirms that Shana is the girl the Sandoran army has been been looking for. The Great Commander questions the destruction of an entire village just to abduct one girl, but is told by the Man in Hood that it is Emperor Doel's order and that the identity of the girl and plot behind this are none of his concern.

In Hellena Prison, the Man in Hood is seen talking to the head warden Fruegel, threatening him if any harm should be done to Shana. Upon the escape of Dart, Lavitz and Shana, he pressures Fruegel on retrieving Shana, otherwise reporting the incident to Doel.


The Man in Hood to the right of King Albert in Indels Castle.

Curiously, the Man in Hood is later seen in Indels Castle as King Albert's advisor. A few knights in the castle have their suspicions about the Man in Hood being a Sandoran spy. Their doubt was ignited because the Man in Hood, posing as a tactician, made a "miscalculation" which ended up costing the lives of nearly the entire First Knighthood of Basil. He is later found in King Albert's chamber and recognizes Dart as the man from Seles, though he tells him not to intrude in the king's chamber.


Warning: Section contains spoilers.

The Hooded Man is seen towards the end of the first chapter, when Dart and his group visit Hellena Prison for a second time to liberate King Albert, who has offered himself as a hostage in exchange for the safety of the people from Bale, after Basil lost to a surprise raid by almost the entire remaining Sandoran Knighthood.

Dart, Lavitz, Shana and Rose overcome Fruegel for the second and last time, but the Man in Hood takes opportunity of the group being busy in the fight and extracts the Moon Gem from Albert's body, having obtained the information on its location as a double agent for both Basil and Sandora. In an attempt to protect his king, Lavitz turns himself into his Dragoon form and attacks the Man in Hood, but is struck by the Dragon Buster and dies. The Man in Hood then lowers his hood, revealing his identity to be Lloyd, the mysterious swordfighter Dart lost to in the Hero's Competition tournament in Lohan. He then quickly flees the scene, with a much deeper plot being revealed subsequently as the group pursues him.
