The Legend of Dragoon Wiki
The Legend of Dragoon Wiki

Limestone Cave (鍾乳洞, Shōnyūdō) is a location in The Legend of Dragoon.

Dart and company go through the cave to arrive at Bale. While here, they discover a secret about Shana. Legend has it that the cave has a guardian.

This is the first of three dwelling places for Rock Fireflies, which offer the company a chance to restore their health to full and later on, their Magic Points too.


Limestone cave 2

After leaving the Prairie, Dart, Lavitz and Shana make their way to Bale; however, they will have to travel through the Limestone Cave first. While making their way through the cave, the party comes across some stepping stones. Dart will ask Shana to be careful as they travel over the them. As Dart and Shana make it safely past the stones, Lavitz suddenly slips and is dangling over the edge of the waterfall. Dart rushes over to help and successfully pulls Lavitz back up to safely. The two men bond after this, agreeing that they will have a long lasting friendship, while Shana feels left out.

Continuing through the cave Dart and Lavitz teach Shana about Rock Fireflies and their use. Towards the end of the cave, the party is as attacked by the caves guardian, Urobolus. Once the battle is over, the party attempts to leave the cave, but suddenly, Urobolus springs back up and targets Shana. Dart rushes to her defend her but is halted by a strange bright light that starts to emit from Shana. This light vaporizes Urobolus and the party is left baffled about what just happened.


Notice: Stats in parentheses are from the Japanese version (if they differ from the American/European release).

Name Element HP EXP Gold Drop
Evil Spider Earth 30
12 12
Angel's Prayer (8%)
Orc Darkness 26
10 6
Dark Mist (10%)
Screaming Bat Darkness 12
8 6
Healing Potion (8%)
Slime Earth 20
11 6
Body Purifier (10%)
Ugly Balloon Wind 36
10 9
Poison Guard (2%)


20 Gold Chest Limestone Cave
Bastard Sword
Bastard Sword Chest Limestone Cave
Total Vanishing
Total Vanishing Chest Limestone Cave
Body Purifier
Body Purifier Chest Limestone Cave
100 Gold Chest Limestone Cave
Burn Out
Burn Out Chest Limestone Cave
Angel's Prayer
Angel's Prayer Chest Limestone Cave
Detonate Rock
Detonate Rock Chest Limestone Cave
Healing Potion
Hidden Chest
Charm Potion
Charm Potion Chest Limestone Cave
Body Purifier
Body Purifier Chest 2 Limestone Cave
Spark Net
Spark Net Chest Limestone Cave
Poison Guard
Poison Guard Chest Limestone Cave
Bandana Chest Limestone Cave
Healing Potion
Healing Potion Chest Limestone Cave
50 Gold Chest Limestone Cave



Main article: Sidequests

There is a bunny/dog creature in the cave that can be caught. Once it is caught it will wiggle free and move to a stone. Go to that stone and it will hop away leaving behind a chest containing a Poison Guard, a great accessory for the upcoming fight with Urobolus.
