The Last Kraken is a boss found in Aglis in disc 4. It has been summoned by Savan to be a guardian of the signet of Soa and the backup Signet Moot that Savan created. Should Savan's plan succeed, the Signet would be doubly safe from anyone who dares try to break it and free the body of the Virage Embryo and bring it to earth.
After the Last Kraken scuttles its giant form forward, the voice of Zieg is heard. It seems the Last Kraken is under Zieg's control. Luckily, the Last Kraken is the only enemy to kill because Zieg doesn't want to get his hands dirty. After the party defeats the Last Kraken, Zieg breaks the first signet and then flies away.
The Last Kraken drops the double SP weapon for Meru, the Pretty Hammer. This is the only way it can be obtained.
Cleone Spawn: shoots out two fairies called Cleones: if you don't swat them, they may cast a Light spell called Light Eraser at a party member, or they may fly at a party member and explode (this move is called Genocide). If there are no fairies on the field, he will spawn two more. Even if the boss dies, the battle will continue until the fairies are dead.
Tentacle Slap: he attacks with his tentacles
Conduction Magic: his back produces lightnings and he casts a Water or Thunder spell that inflicts heavy damage on a single target or moderate damage against the whole party.
Water Current Gun: He lifts up his upper-shell and a water cannon shows and fires a large amount of water at one party member dealing large amount of damage
Dragoon Transformation Bug[]
Entering Dragoon transformation may cause the game to hang at the end of battle, requiring a Reset. This same bug occurs in the battle against Lenus in Prison Island and Grand Jewel.