Lavitz Slambert, Head of the 1st Knighthood
20 years before the events of the game, when Serdio split into two countries, the northern Kingdom of Basil established at least thirteen knighthoods, though only a few are mentioned in the game. Two knighthoods are stationed each at the castle town of Bale, the Seventh Fort, and Hoax. By the time of Feyrbrand's defeat in the Serdian War, it is remarked in Bale that there are only four knighthoods left to defend the whole kingdom.
First Knighthood[]
The 1st Knighthood of the Kingdom of Basil was wiped out shortly before the Sandoran raid on Seles and abduction of Shana. The only survivors were Lavitz Slambert, Head of the 1st Knighthood, and a few knights that he escaped with in Hellena Prison. With the help of Dart, Lavitz was able to escape and report the fate of his men to the king. The loss of the First Knighthood was later accounted as a "miscalculation" by King Albert's tactician, the Man in Hood.
Second Knighthood[]

Greham, the former head of the 2nd Knighthood of Basil and defector to Sandora.
The 2nd Knighthood of the Kingdom of Basil was headed over a dozen years ago by Greham, who later betrayed Servi, former Head of the 1st Knighthood, along with all of Basil.
Fifth Knighthood[]
The 5th Knighthood of the Kingdom of Basil was annihilated by Imperial Sandora ten years after the Serdian War began.[1] There is a girl in Bale that still believes her boyfriend, the vice commander, is alive despite a decade passing since the tragedy.
As it turns out, the former second-in-command indeed did survive the war and lives in the underground fort in Kazas with his new wife and child. However, he is torn between guilt for running away from his girlfriend and failing in his duty as a knight.
Eighth Knighthood[]

Kaiser, the head of the 8th Knighthood, in a conversation with Lavitz.
The 8th Knighthood of the Kingdom of Basil is stationed at the fort village Hoax. Kaiser, head of the 8th Knighthood, took the command of defending Hoax against a Sandoran attack, though they suffered severe losses to both men and morale after the raid of Hoax. The exhausted soldiers later rejoiced with their victory and the birth of the Dragoon and named Dart the "messiah" of the Kingdom of Basil upon his defeat of Kongol.
Tenth and Thirteenth Knighthoods[]
The 10th and 13th Knighthoods of the Kingdom of Basil are stationed at the Seventh Fort in the Marshlands. Both were overwhelmed by a Sandoran attack using the dragon Feyrbrand. Many of them were killed, with the remaining ones falling in battle to Sandoran soldiers or succumbing to the dragon's poison. When Dart and Lavitz, arrive, they are met with the gruesome scene of their slaughter. In his final moments, the head of the 10th Knighthood recognizes Lavitz and warns him of the dragon's poison; as he dies, he hands over his lucky amulet, a Wargod Amulet.