Kaiser (カイゼル, Kaizeru) is the head of Eighth Knighthood of Basil. He lead the defense of Hoax against the raid of the Sandoran army. He is wearing a golden breastplate, Basil's blue army suit and a red cape. He also carries a sword.
Preparing for the attack[]
After visiting his mother, Lavitz together with Dart and Shana departed from Capital Bale to town of Hoax as commanded by King Albert to prepare defense against the army of Imperial Sandora who will begin their attack on the southern territory of Basil. Upon arriving at Hoax, Shana was surprised to see that Hoax didn't look like a normal town but instead fortified heavily like a fortress. Dart and friends entered the headquarters and met Kaiser, who was assigned to lead the defense against Sandoras attack.
Kaiser greeted Lavitz and expressed his condolences to Lavitz's loss of his knighthood, but Lavitz promised that the total wipe-out of the First Knighthood will not be in vain. Lavitz told him that he has brought him two helpers to hold off the attack of Sandora troops. Dart got acquainted with Kaiser quickly, but he wanted to know more about the situation in Hoax. Kaiser told the trio that he was currently in preparation for Hoax's defense, but was worried about the dragon that Sandoras was about to use. Lavitz suggested that they should stay fortified in the town instead of making attempt to slay the dragon. Dart also supported the idea because the Basil army can look from Hoax and observe any movement of the enemy. Kaiser agreed with Lavitz and Dart's plan happily, and suggested the two of them can serve as front-lines of defense and lookouts for the enemy.
However, Kaiser lamented Shana's presence in Hoax as it was too dangerous for her to join the defending party, and asked her if Shana could help by preparing meals for the knights. Shana said she could cook, but Dart replied by either teasing her (which cause Shana and Dart to tease each other continuously) or appreciating her for cooking for them (which eventually cause Shana to dislike Lavitz's criticism and doubts in her cooking, Dart's overpraising comment and Kaiser's emphasis on food simplicity and edibility). After a short discussion about Shana's being the cook among the four, Kaiser resumed his strategy planning with Lavitz while telling Dart and Shana to take a look around Hoax first. After the visiting Midwife Gilda, the duo came back to Kaiser who just finished his meeting with Lavitz. Dart and Lavitz then moved to their respective position in the front-side of Hoax to stay guard until the night.
The battle of Hoax[]
After Dart heard the rustling in the woods and the stopping of owl's hoot, Sandora army begun attack at the back of Hoax. Arrows rained on the back of Hoax, inflicting damage on the guard tower and causing causalities of a few knights of Basil. Kaiser rushes out from the headquarters and commands the troops to counterattack the Sandoras, before running to the other side of battle. The Sandora soldiers enter the town quickly and clashed with the swords of knights of Basil, before Dart and Lavitz joined the fight and the Sandora Elite intervenes from the loosely-guarded front wall. After defeating the Sandora Elite, Dart and Lavitz face off against Kongol, a Giganto. On the brink of falling to Kongol, Rose comes to the rescue of Dart again and awakens the Dragoon of the Red-Eye Dragon, who subsequently defeats Kongol and causes the remaining Sandoran forces to retreat.
The aftermath[]
When Dart woke up from his unconsciousness, the group went out and saw a Basil guard lying injured on the ground. The other guard tells them that the Seventh Fort in the Marshlands is under attack of the dragon and the Tenth and Thirteenth Knighthood there are almost overwhelmed. Kaiser, who was injured in the battle, comes out and contemplates that it might be hopeless, as they are not a match for the Dragon, and the Eighth Knighthood has no troops left for battle. Lavitz reassured that with the help of Dragoons, they might have a chance on overcoming the dragon.
After the war[]
After peace is restored in Serdio and the Serdian War has ended, Kaiser can be met in the headquarters of Hoax, remembering his old comrade Lavitz.