Kadessa, or the Forbidden Land as it is now known, was the capital city of the proud Winglies. It is revisited by Dart and his group in their search for the Dragon Block Staff.
The broken shell of a city, the glory that was once a Wingly metropolis can still be glimpsed here and there. A mere shadow of its former glory, the city is now nothing but ruins covered with scars from the final battle of the Dragon Campaign 11,000 years ago.

In this arena, the Species dominated by the Winglies fought each other to the death for the Winglies' amusement.
Kadessa was the last Wingly city to be taken by Humans, and its capture thus marked both Human victory and an end to the Dragon Campaign. The price was the death of many Human warriors; the price of stopping Melbu Frahma, the Winglies' dictator, was the death of Dragoons Shirley, Syuveil, Damia, Belzac and Kanzas.
It was in the ruins of Kadessa where the man impersonating Emperor Diaz met with Lloyd to discuss the decline of magic and his plan to regenerate the world by releasing into it the 108th species, the Moon Child. It is also assumed this is where and when Lloyd acquired the Dragon Buster, the weapon Melbu Frahma himself weld in his fight against Zieg.
During the events of CD 3, the group visits the Forbidden Land at direction of the Wingly Ancestor Blano from the Forest of Winglies to retrieve the Dragon Block Staff in order to fight the Divine Dragon that has awakened and released from its seal.

The Forbidden Land, as it is 11.000 years after the end of the Dragon Campaign.
Despite mere ruins over 11,000 years old, traces from the Dragon Campaign and the age of the Winglies can still be found, such as an old colosseum, where oppressed species such as Dragons, Humans and Gigantos fought each other for the amusement of spectators, or the body of a Super Virage that itself fought in the final battle of the Dragon Campaign. There also is a room with symbols of species born from the Divine Tree, in which the group needs to enter the teleporters in their order of creation in order to progress.
Item | Location |
Dancer's Shoes | Once you enter the ruins proper take the first teleporter you can. (In the room with the pipe you can walk UNDER.) Then follow the teleporter chain. |
Power Up | It is located in a chest after the seal room (The room after the save point and healing well) at the highest point of the moving stone platforms. |
Mind Crush | In the same room as Power Up. Jump across to the second elevator before the first starts to rise |
Mind Purifier | In the chest of the second tile you enter. |
Notice: Stats in parentheses are from the Japanese version (if they differ from the American/European release).
Name | Element | HP | EXP | Gold | Item |
Fairy | Light | 320 (400) |
81 | 24 (8) |
Sun Rhapsody (8%) |
Toad Stool | Earth | 128 (160) |
72 | 18 (6) |
Body Purifier (8%) |
Gnome | Earth | 256 (320) |
108 | 42 (14) |
Healing Potion (8%) |
Puck | Earth | 330 (380) |
90 | 18 (12) |
Dancer's Ring (2%) |
Spinninghead | none | 384 (480) |
99 | 30 (10) |
Mind Purifier (8%) |
Scarred S. Virage | none | 11,000 (13,000) |
4,000 | 200 | Healing Rain (100%) |
Grand Jewel | Earth | 5,600 (7,000) |
9,000 | 300 | Spectral Flash (100%) |
Healing point[]
In the Forbidden Land, there are no healing items in chests. There is, however, a healing spring near the save point.