Imperial Sandora is a state in the South of Serdio during its time of division and the Serdian civil war.

The Black Castle in Kazas, political and military center of Imperial Sandora
- Main article: Serdian War
Twenty years before the events of the game, then-prince Doel kills the King of Serdio, Carlo, in an attempt to seize the throne himself. However, the at the time only 6 year old Albert is crowned the next king, leading to Doel seizing the south of the country and founding Imperial Sandora. Sandora is since then engulfed in a 20-year long civil war with the Kingdom of Basil. During the events of the game, Sandora is on the edge of being victorious, but eventually is defeated as Dart and his friends overcome the Dragon and eventually Emperor Doel himself.
After the war, the life quality of the people of former Sandora improves, with the former Great Commander of its army taking over as the mayor of Kazas, and the magical research conducted in the Black Castle being opened to the public, despite numerous residents of Sandora being skeptical of it at first.
The South of Serdio, roughly corresponding to the territory of Imperial Sandora.
Imperial Sandora comprises the southern part of Serdio. Although its exact borders are unknown, they are located somewhere around the neutral merchant city Lohan in the west and go through the central mountains and the Dragon's Nest around Volcano Villude before the Marshlands. After the raid on Seles, Sandora establishes outposts in the Forest near Seles, which subsequently becomes the new front line in the eastern part of the country.
Notable locations in Imperial Sandora include:
- Kazas, the capital of Imperial Sandora
- The Black Castle, Emperor Doel's residence
- Hellena Prison
- The Dragon's Nest in the mountains
- The Forest near Seles
- Lohan, the merchant town*
*Although it can be deduced from the location of the front lines that Lohan geographically lies in the region of Sandora, it is a neutral town with no political alignment.
The people of Sandora are shown to have a notably worse quality of life than the residents of the rivaling Kingdom of Basil, despite their country's military power and having the upper hand in the Serdian war. Due to the presumed ruthlessness and cruelty of Doel, a significant part of its population is dissatisfied with the country's state and policies, while another part still believes in Emperor Doel and stays loyal.
The dissatisfaction among the residents of Sandora has led to the creation of civil movements, such as the New Serdio Party, a resident's union in Kazas aiming to end the Serdian War and support the people of Sandora in need and poverty.
Despite the lower life quality, Sandora is shown to be a very technologically advanced and innovative country, researching magical phenomenons and utilities in the Black Castle at the direct orders of Doel. Such research includes healing magic (research of the "white flame"), inextinguishable green fire and violet fire for fueling mechanical machinery such as elevators and pulleys for transport.
Notable people from Sandora or creatures and personalities aligned with it include:
- Doel, Emperor of Sandora
- The Great Commander of Sandora
- Fruegel, head warden of Hellena Prison
- The Hooded Man, acting as advisor and main conspiracist to Doel
- Popo, representative of the New Serdio Party
- Father Faza
- The Magic Researchers in the Black Castle
- Greham, a deflector from the Kingdom of Basil and the Jade Dragoon
- Feyrbrand, the Dragon controlled by Greham and used in the war
- Kongol
- Jiango, the monster in Hellena Prison
- Rodriguez and Guftas, the creatures fighting alongside Fruegel in Hellena
The Knighthood of Sandora is often faced as enemies in the game, being comprised of: