The Legend of Dragoon Wiki
The Legend of Dragoon Wiki

Death is a Darkness element creature which can be located on board the Phantom Ship. It has high Defense and medium-low Magical Defense.


Death have the appearance of a traditional Grim Reaper: they sport bare skulls, skeletal hands wielding a Scythe and long black cloak.


Main article: Battle

Hands down, if this creature is fighting you, regardless of whatever other creatures are with it, prioritize killing this immediately. You will save yourself from the frustrations of getting spammed by Can't Combat and Fear a lot. It isn't very fast but it can still deal medium damage averagely, do a severely powerful attack probably half killing a target, inflict fear upon a target with some minor damage, or instantly kills you. This is the most annoying enemy in this location other than the limited Magician Bogey.

  • Des Rapier - Floats towards a single target and swings Scythe dealing medium physical damage.
  • Charging Spirit - Prepares to do a special or All-Out Attack.
  • All-Out Attack - Deals massive physical damage to a single target.
  • Lightning Punisher - Inflicts the status ailment Can't Combat upon a single target.
  • Midnight Terror - Inflicts Fear upon a single target.

Do note you can fight two of these at once and even two with a Skeleton, both on rare occasion of course.

Encounter rate: Uncommon

Battle pairing / formation[]

All battle formations in which you will encounter a Death:


This creature can drop Total Vanishing with an 8% probability. This chance is rare, however, if you can get it than you could instantly destroy minor enemies with it. It would take at least 30+ minutes on average. There is no returning to this area, but you will still be able to find more later in the game.


Disc 2 Monsters
Arrow Shooter · Earth Shaker · Frilled Lizard · Scissorhands · Stinger
Valley of Corrupted Gravity
Dragonfly · Erupting Chick · Killer Bird · Roc · Spider Urchin
Home of Gigantos
Berserker · Crafty Thief · Gangster · Piggy
Phantom Ship
Death · Magician Bogey · Skeleton · Will-O-Wisp
Undersea Cavern
Flabby Troll · Glare · Mermaid · Screw Shell ·Sea Piranha

Death Purger
