The Legend of Dragoon Wiki
The Legend of Dragoon Wiki

Clothes are the initial armor equipped by default on Shana. It can be equipped by all of the four playable female characters. Its replacement, Leather Jacket, is available before Shana even joins the party, in the chest on the level directly below where the key to her cell is found. It is the females' weakest and least efficient combat armor and should be replaced as soon as possible to maximise survival. A single one is obtained on Disc 1.

How to obtain[]

These can only be obtained by a single method, and that is by equipping another armor to Shana, which moves Clothes to the inventory. You cannot purchase it, cannot find it and no regularly encounterable, unique or boss monster will drop this armor. There should be no reason to equip Rose, Meru, and Miranda with the weakest armor unless you want to challenge yourself, a feat that even Initial Equipment Challenges do not attempt.


This armor allows the greater part of both physical and magical attacks; however, the magical resistance is higher by 1. It has no effects or bonuses. When Shana joins, all the monsters are weak, so it will be fine until better is available.


Description Location
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Miranda portrait