The Legend of Dragoon Wiki
For information on the boss Claire on the Moon That Never Sets, see Claire (Boss).
For information on Haschel's daughter, see Claire.

Claire Feld is the late wife of the former Red-Eye Dragoon Zieg Feld and the mother of the protagonist Dart Feld. She presumably died during Black Monster's raid on Neet 18 years before the events of the game, returning to try to defend the villagers alongside her husband. Her death, and the supposed death of Zieg, fuels Dart's quest for vengeance and takes him across the world and separates him from Shana before the events of the game.


WARNING: Section contains spoilers.

Though it is never revealed within the game what exactly happened in Neet, it is revealed that during the attack of the Black Monster, when Zieg and Claire went back into the town to help other villagers, Zieg used his Dragoon Spirit, likely with the intention of fighting the Black Monster. Upon doing so, Melbu Frahma, who transferred his soul into the Dragoon spirit 11,000 years ago, when Zieg destroyed his body at the end of the Dragon Campaign, was set free and took over Zieg's body.

Claire's exact fate is unknown and never revealed, although there is little doubt that she died that day. It is unknown how she died, be it in the fire, at the hands of the Black Monster or even perhaps at the hands of Zieg, who by trying to use his Dragoon Spirit was unwittingly taken over by Melbu Frahma.

Afterwards, Zieg, under the control of Melbu Frahma, fled, leaving Dart, a five year old orphan, wandering through the ruins of Neet. As the only trace his parents, Dart finds the Red-Eye Dragoon Spirit from his father in the ruins of the town.

Later in the game, there is a possibility that Claire is encountered in the Death City Mayfil by Dart. He is approached by a bright light and when he reaches out for it, he realizes it's a soul, saying it feels both familiar and warm. After saying, "We will stop dad", the soul then heals the entire party. It remains in the center of the room and becomes a healing point. Though not directly confirmed, it seems to be hinting that the soul Dart speaks to is indeed that of his late mother.

This soul, I think I know it. This really brings up some memories. We will stop dad. Wait for me.

-Dart in Mayfil

Connection with Haschel[]

See the main section Haschel as Dart's Grandfather

Clues left by the developers suggest that Claire Feld is the lost daughter of Haschel.

While in the city of Fletz, Dart notices that the bridge has his mother's name inscribed on it. Haschel then reveals that his daughter, who has been missing for 25 years, was also named Claire and that there might be a connection between the two.

Also, when the party is in Furni, Shana sings a lullaby to the mayor's daughter. Haschel recognizes the tune as the song his daughter composed and sang for him when she was dreaming of eventually having a baby. When he asks Shana where she heard it, she replies that Dart taught it to her and that his mother had sang it to him.

Claire is the boss Haschel faces alone on the Moon That Never Sets. He tells Dart as he goes alone to face his challenge that "she doesn't know [him] yet", which can be interpreted that the version of Claire he faces is still young and hasn't given birth to Dart yet.

Finally, before the final battle of the game with Melbu Frahma, Haschel tells Dart that he looks just like him, when Haschel was younger.
