The Legend of Dragoon Wiki
"You are here to find out the truth about whether I assassinated your father, my brother, and the reason. I would was to save Serdio from an incompetent leader named Carlo."

-Doel to Albert

King Carlo of Serdio was the king of unified Serdio before the Serdian Civil War.

He was the father of Albert, who was crowned the King of Serdio following Carlo's death at the hands of his brother Doel 20 years before the events of the game. Doel, however, refusing to accept the then-8 year-old Albert to become the next king, seceded and founded Imperial Sandora in the south of Serdio, leading to the division of the country and to the Serdian War. Carlo's son, Albert, became King of the Kingdom of Basil in the north of the country.

Not much is known about Carlo. When Albert confronts Doel in the Moon that Never Sets, asking him for his treason, his response was to "save Serdio from an incompetent leader named Carlo", to which Albert replies that the King, however, was loved by his people and his vassals. Doel, again, points out overtaxation, disorder and corrupt ministers under the reign of Carlo.

During the duel between Albert and Doel in the Moon that Never Sets, Albert reveals that Carlo was in deep respect and trustful of Doel and had doubts about himself not having the stature of a king.
