The Legend of Dragoon Wiki

Dille (ディーユ, Dīyu) is a bishop located in a church in Deningrad who worships and preaches about the Divine Tree. After telling the party of the legend of the Divine Tree and the creator Soa, he directs them to the Mille Seseau National Library if they wish to seek more information on the topic.

"The Divine Tree is the Tree of Life. All life comes from this Divine Tree. In the beginning, nothingness filled the world. Then, the creator Soa descended from the sky. He and his followers created the world. In the end, Soa sowed a seed on the earth. The seed soon grew to be a great tree. The great tree bore 108 fruits and various lifeforms arose from the ripened fruits. Thus, 108 forms of life created to fill the world. The Divine Tree completed its rule, but the story says it is still protected by the Signet of Soa. It is like this, the world was established with a fate determined by Soa.

-Bishop Dille



  • In the Japanese manual's credits, Dille is credited as "Dewey".