The Legend of Dragoon Wiki

Archangel can be seen as a statue in the Forest of Winglies if you choose to go up the left teleporter. The Archangel is not a Wingly as such; like almost all religious figures she is of a nature far removed from her followers. However she serves an important purpose to the Wingly culture and is known as the Seventh Angel. She has four feathered wings and six arms. In her arms, she wields a book, a staff, a shield, a sword, a black flower, and a horn. With the horn she can summon an army of flying knights and a three-headed elephant.

Once the party makes their way to the Moon That Never Sets, Meru will have to fight it in order to advance forward. As with all the Moon solo combats, Dragoon form cannot be used. During the battle, she explains to Meru that Wingly dominance over the other species is necessary for the survival of all. She claims that of the 107 species created from fruits of the Divine Tree, over half are extinct, a trend ended by the Winglies. However Meru remarks that many of those were exterminated during the war and the Archangel replies hypocritically that they were meant to become extinct from the beginning.



The Seventh Angel summons an army

Archangel has extremely high Magic Defense.

This boss is relatively easy, but with one tough, all out attack (you will know when she does it). This can be quickly countered by using a healing fog, or if you have acquired the Therapy Ring you could keep guarding back a very good portion of your HP.

All in all this boss is not hard at all; for instance, the Archangel will heal Meru sometimes in battle (just don't count on it happening often).

  • Manju Dagger
  • Assault Bugle
  • Reduces target HP to 1
  • Heaven Spell : Light or Thunder Target or All
  • Flower Gift : Heals 1350 [643] HP
  • Heals target HP to maximum


  • Archangel's special summoning attack is a possible reference to the Buddhist legend of Mara, a demon who headed a fiend army from atop a monstrous elephant named Girimekhala in an attempt to prevent Gautama from meditation and enlightenment.