The Legend of Dragoon Wiki

Air Combat is the only Wind-element based monster which can be located within The Everlasting Moon, otherwise known as The Moon That Never Sets.


Air Combat is a type of dragon, more specifically a Wyvern, and it is the much stronger cousin to a monster of the same name. It has two very large wings of which each easily proves greater in size than that of its own body, they are also a type of green / grey in color. Its body is brown, unlike its grey counterpart and its eyes are light blue. Do note, this is one of the few monsters in the game without red eyes. It has massive spikes upon the tops of each wing, three large spikes at the tip of its tail, massive talons and a spiky head.


Main article: Battle

This monster isn't quite powerful, however, it enjoys spamming All-out Attack more frequently the lower its health decreases and that can be a huge game changer due to its massive physical damage dealing potential. Standard attacks are average if anything and its health seems to be fairly low, even with its high physical defence it can still be taken down relatively quick, however, it is very recommended to use spell items or magic against this opponent due to its ridiculous magical defence. To maximize magical potency, use earth-element spell items, to hit at its elemental weakness for bonus damage. When they use Charging Spirit be cautious considering it means the next turn is a 50% chance of using All-out Attack.

  • Sharp Edge - Flies towards a single target and smashes them with its spike tipped tail, dealing medium physical damage
  • All-out Attack - Flies towards a single target and smashes them with its spike tipped tail, dealing massive physical damage
  • Charging Spirit - Indicates that it is going to use either of the two aforementioned attacks

Do note, this monster may evade your attacks with 120% A-AV.

Battle pairing / formation[]

  • Encounter rate: Uncommon

All battle formations in which you will encounter an Air Combat:


Upon defeat, this monster may drop the spell item Down Burst with a rare probability of 8%. This is the most potent wind-element spell item and so it will prove to be very useful against Triceratops or most monsters on The Divine Tree. The average time required to obtain this is roughly 10 minutes. As always, this varies per person.


Disc 4 Monsters
Death Frontier
Cactus · Canbria Dayfly · Sandworm · Scorpion · Spiky Beetle
Aqua King · Jelly · Minotaur · Scud Shark · Stern Fish
Harpy · Guillotine · Death Purger · Professor · Sky Chaser
Loner Knight · Hyper Skeleton · Human Hunter · Spector · Undead
Tower of Flanvel
Basilisk · Dragon Soldier · Madman · Metal Fang
Divine Tree
Cute Cat · Manticore · Mountain Ape · Slug · Pot Belly
Air Combat · Mad Skull · Psyche Druid · Roulette Face · Swift Dragon · Trap Plant · Triceratops · Unicorn

