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Aglis, also known as the Magic City, is a magical city, like all Wingly cities once flying, and now sunken off the coast of Haschel's home town of Rouge. Its magic seals out the ocean; the whole of the cityscape lies in a vast bubble of air beneath the water.

Fittingly for a magical city, Aglis' Jelly is tied with Mayfil's Specter for a denizen with the highest Magic Defense, and it has the only non-Unique Magical Attack Barrier creature in the game, the Aqua King. It is where the only Repeatable Item that is also an Attack Item is found.


Chapter 4: Moon and Fate[]

City of Magic[]

Wingly society did not content itself with the magical powers it already had, but studied magic further. The entire city of Aglis was devoted to learning more about the principles and practice of magic.

By the time the party visits it, the magic of Aglis and its inhabitants have dissipated. Wards once existed to keep monsters outside the city, but the wards have faded, and the monsters harass the party as they move through the city's maze of teleporters.

Savan is the last of the remaining Winglies in Aglis, who set himself the task of collecting Wingly magical knowledge, and protecting the Signet Sphere with the help of the Last Kraken and his magically animated automatons. His magical mirror is capable of viewing distant locations and events. 7000 years ago, Rose's struggle to keep the God of Destruction at bay came to his attention, and it inspired him to carry on his work, which culminated in the creation of the Psychedelic Bomb (an attack item given to the player) and Moot, with which he intended to seal off the Moon That Never Sets.


Repeatable item: Psyche Bomb X
It is possible to miss the Psyche Bomb; once the quiz is answered, leave the room and find it in a room two doors down


200 Gold
200 Gold
Angels Prayer
Angels Prayer Chest
Burn Out
Burn Out Chest Aglis
Gushing Magma
Gushing Magma Chest Aglis
Healing Breeze
Healing Breeze Chest Aglis
Healing Fog
Healing Fog Chest
Healing Rain
Healing Rain Chest Aglis
Magical Hat
Magical Hat Chest
Sun Rhapsody
Sun Rhapsody Chest Aglis
Moon Serenade
Moon Serenade Chest


Notice: Stats in parentheses are from the Japanese version (if they differ from the American/European release).

Random encounterable[]

Name Element HP EXP Gold
Aqua King Water 640
135 30
Jelly Water 640
120 24
Minotaur Earth 960
180 48
Scud Shark Water 400
150 39
Stern Fish Water 935
165 54

Boss encounterable[]

Name Element HP EXP Gold
Last Kraken Water 12,000
12,000 300
Cleone Water 1,360
0 0


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