The Legend of Dragoon Wiki

00PARTS is a Unique Monster located in the valley between Hellena and Kazas on the World map and in the dimension area of The Moon That Never Sets. It can instantly KO a character, then run away immediately after doing so. It also drops 600 gold upon being defeated as well as a spirit potion. There are two well known methods to defeating 00PARTS, which is described below.

Methods to Defeat 00PARTS[]

  • The first and simplest way is to have a Magic Stone of Signet in your inventory. Have one character attack 00PARTS for 1 or 2 damage, then the following character throw the stone. After 00PARTS has been blocked, attack it. 00PARTS has only 4 HP, but each character only attacks for 1 damage point. To further extend attacks, The player must use "Charm Potions" on each of the characters during Magic Stone of Signet's block to allow them to attack 3 times without fear of retaliation, this can be extended more through using a Charm Potion on the third attack attempt instead of attacking.
  • The second method is the fastest, but requires Sachets. A Sachet will automatically damage 00PARTS for 10 HP, killing it instantly. This method is somewhat more difficult because of the farming method for Sachets. See Sachet for details.
  • On disc 3 it gets easier. With Miranda, Dancer's Shoes, Wargod's Amulet, and Long Bow it is impossible to miss. So use Miranda, Dart and Haschel (or Meru).
    • First move, use the Magic Stone of Signet
    • Second move (unless Miranda), use Speed up on Miranda
    • third move (unless Miranda), use Speed down on 00parts.
Unless 00PARTS starts with an instant kill attack or runs away, you WILL win. Miranda will get 4-7 attacks by herself: the other characters are just for some unnecessary cushion.
  • As for all special monsters, it is recommended you find the Speed Up, Speed down, and Signet Stone repeatable items to help increase your odds of killing said monsters.


