But I'm unable to move or do anything on the large map
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I was able to troubleshoot my way into it all working fine my problem now is little odd outlines in the background of my game did i mess up/miss a setting?
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Does anyone know where to find a detailed copy of the map in english, or just where to find very specific distances between locations?
Greetings. I am having trouble in Legend of Dragoon I am at the point in Disc 2 where i have to go fight lenus for the second time aqnd in the game scenes the valve is open to head to prson island but when i try to go to prison island the gate is closed and dart says "I dont need this anymore:" If there is a way to fix this and go to prison island please let me knpow that would be really helpful thank you all for the support amd helping me with any solution you fellow gamers have. :)
Similar to the Nuzlocke challenge for Pokemon, I am curious if the community over the years had developed a list of challenges or one BIG challenge. I'm certain that such has at least been given thought over the years, and I've placed several challenges on myself just for kicks. Of the ones I've done, these are a few:
Peasant Playthough: Go through the game with everyone's base equipment, and only that equipment.
Dead Dart: At the earliest opportunity, killing Dart and only playing the game with the two other frontline party members.
Legendary Phantom Heroes: By games end, have each of your main/frontline party members equipped with a Legend Casque, Armor of Legend, and Phantom Shield.
Of the three, I must admit to having completed the third challenge almost every time past my 5th playthrough. Nothing says winning like attacks missing you 50%(or more) of the time, and when they don't, taking the least damage possible. Happiest moment with this was when I fought the Scarred Super Virage, and when it died and used Laser Burst, it missed all party members. Flawless victory.
Under the Section Exploits on the page Glitches/Bugs/Exploits, the formula given for the total experience gained from a battle is given as
Exp + (nBPM x (2 ÷ (Exp ÷ aBPM))) = Total Experience Gained .
With X = Exp, N = nBPM, and A = aBPM, this simplifies to
X + 2AN/X (This expression is not proportional to X.)
whose second term (extra experience) approaches 0 as X grows large. In fact, according to the above formula, it falls below 1 for even modest values of X. The formula that actually seems to fit the description given, as well as my own experience with the game (and accounts for the rounding that occurs when X is not divisible by 6) is
Total Experience = Afloor(X/A) + Nfloor(X/2A) ≈ X + NX/2A or X(1 + N/2A)
where floor(n) rounds n down to the nearest integer. The first term [ Afloor(X/A) ] gives the total experience gained by the active party members; the second [ Nfloor(X/2A) ] gives the total gained by the non-active party members.
Does anyone agree?
I was wondering if the ancient Dragoon Belzac and the guard of the Twin Castle of Fletz might not be part-Giganto? They are certainly much larger than any other humans in the game.
Is it possible the symbol for the 96th Fruit may represent Mer-people (Mermen, Mermaids & Aqua Kings)? I know it doesn't really look humanoid but the dragon symbol don't really look much like a dragon either. Since Damia was half-mermaid, is it possible the intelligence of Mer-people was just enough for a human to have mated with one (without being attacked)? And that symbol was how the Winglies represented them?
On a related note, I noticed the Aqua Kings in Aglis never seem to attak but merely put up defensive barriers. I wonder if that hints they may be intelligent...? Complete speculation of course, just an interesting thought.
I notice that Lynn's letter is missing from the "Items" list of "Goods". Kate gives it to you and it appears in the "Goods" list until you give it to the Mayor of Donau. Once he's read it you can pick it up again later and keep it when it appears on the table in his house.
Speaking of Goods, I was wondering if there was originally going to be a further purpose to Lavitz's Portrait and Kate's Bouquet that never got completed? I was wondering if you were supposed to give the portrait to Lavitz's mother after he died or something and that never got implemented? Not sure what you'd do with Kate's Bouquet unless it was to calm Shana when she went into "god" mode at some point or something...? All the other Goods seemed to have a use.
There is a skull with a crown on it on the Phantom Ship. Could this have been Queen Theresa's husband (prince consort?) and father of Louvia & Shana?
So, I'm playing LoD, yet again, this time on my Sony PS3 (for the first time). I'm up to the Dragon Buster mission (disc 3) and at hour 148 or so of play. Yeah, I know ah, 148 hours and only this far along?
Well in my defense, I want to develop my characters along the way instead of hurrying throught the story line (yet again). Also I look for places for the game to "play itself." When I was playing LoD on my PS-One and PS2, I used an auto-fire controller in the desert where monsters automatically attack the characters. This way I could have character development while I slept or at least till my sack was full. Unfortunately, this was on disc 4.
While playing the PSN version for the PS3 for the first time, I first found a PS3 auto-fire controller and a new spot for "automatic character development." On my way to the Dragon Buster Staff, you have to go up against the Spinninghead, which automatically attack you. Thus one has the opportunity for the game to automatically play . . .
FYI: I'm not trying to NOT play the game by havng it play itself, thus am glad this first spot (I know of) is on disc 3. Before starting this process, BTW, I had 118 hours of game play (mostly in the home of the Gigas). Yeah, sick, aren't I?
Anyway, I'm wondering where we can discuss stuff like this about the game play.
P.S. When I play the game I keep really wishing they allowed the characters to wear two rings. I love having the Ultimate Wargod armed, but would love to also have some of the other rings, too. Thus . . . well, . . .
I.B. Halliwell on Ragnarok (Final Fantasy XI)