Hi everyone !
Well, most of you may already have access to what list of cheatcodes is available from CodeBreaker. I'll let you dig into that by yourselves. But I'll list here what I found through extrapolating from these cheat codes :D
I) [u]You can modifie SPELLS too !
[/u]NB: [b]these cheat codes must be kept activated if you want the modification to stick[/b]
Kongol :
30111B7E 00XX
30111B86 00XX
30111B8E 00XX
30111B96 00XX
30111B9E 00XX
30111BA6 00XX
Dart (only Red Dragoon) :
30111BAE 00XX
30111BB6 00XX
30111BBE 00XX
30111BC6 00XX
30111BCE 00XX
30111BD6 00XX
Haschel :
30111BDE 00XX
30111BE6 00XX
30111BEE 00XX
30111BF6 00XX
30111BFE 00XX
30111C06 00XX
30111C0E 00XX
30111C16 00XX
30111C1E 00XX
30111C26 00XX
30111C2E 00XX
30111C36 00XX
30111C3E 00XX
30111C46 00XX
30111C4E 00XX
30111C56 00XX
30111C5E 00XX
30111C66 00XX
30111C6E 00XX
30111C76 00XX
30111C7E 00XX
30111C86 00XX
30111C8E 00XX
30111C96 00XX
30111C9E 00XX
30111CA6 00XX
30111CAE 00XX
30111CB6 00XX
30111CBE 00XX
30111CC6 00XX
30111CCE 00XX
30111CD6 00XX
30111CDE 00XX
30111CE6 00XX
30111CEE 00XX
30111CF6 00XX
30111B4E 00XX
30111B56 00XX
30111B5E 00XX
30111B66 00XX
30111B6E 00XX
30111B76 00XX
Now, you may react like... whaaat? But they get 4 spells tops, why is there 6 sets of codes per character? Well, apparently, you can also add 2 others, my guess is it's because of Dart, getting his 4 Red-Dragoon spells PLUS the 2 Divine-Dragoon spells at the end of game.
- If you use 6 codes, you'll have exactly what you want, where you want it for each character.
- If you only use the 1st one, you'll basically ADD one spell before their original set
- if you only use the 6th one, it'll just alter the 4th spell
- if you use both 5th AND 6th, you'll get the extra "last slot"
Finally, what does what? Well, replace XX by :
00 Flame Shot
01 Explosion
02 Final Burst
03 Red Dragon
04 Divine Canon
05 Wind Blaster (Lavitz)
06 Gaspless (Lavitz)
07 Rose Storm (Lavitz)
08 Jade Dragon
09 Divine DG Ball
0A Star Children (Shana)
0B Moon Light (Shana)
0C Gates of Heaven (Shana)
0D Silver Dragon
0E Wing Blaster (Albert)
0F Astral Drain
10 Death Dimension
11 Gaspless (Albert)
12 Demon's Gate
13 Dark Dragon
14 Atomic Mind
15 Thunder Kid
16 Thunder God
17 Violet Dragon
18 Freezing Ring
19 Rainbow Breath
1A Rose Storm (Albert)
1B Diamond Dust
1C Blue Dragon
1D Grand Stream
1E Meteor Strike
1F Golden Dragon
20 Dart's Red-Dragoon transformation
21 unclear
22 Haschel's Dragoon transformation
23 unclear
24 Shana's Dragoon transformation
25 unclear
26 Rose's Dragoon transformation
27 unclear
28 Haschel transform
29 unclear
2A Meru Transform
2B unclear
2C Lavitz Transform
2D unclear
2E Dart's Divine-Dragoon Transformation
2F Lavitz's Dragoon Transformation
30 Fire Dragoon Addition
31 Jade Dragoon Addition
32 unknown
33 Dark Dragoon Addition
34 Violet Dragoon Addition
35 Jade Dragoon Addition
36 Blue Dragoon Addition
37 Golden Dragoon Addition
38 unknown
39 Divine Dragoon Addition
3A unknown
3B unknown
3C unknown
3D unknown
3E unknown
3F unknown
40 Miranda's Dragoon Transformation
41 Star Children (Miranda)
42 Moon Light (Miranda)
43 Gates of Heaven (Miranda)
44 Wind Blaster (Syuveil)
45 Gaspless (Syuveil)
46 Atomic Mind (Kanzas)
47 Thunder God (Kanzas)
48 Freezing Ring (Damia)
49 Diamond Dust (Damia)
4A Grand Stream (Balzac)
4B Meteor Strike (Balzac)
4C Jade Dragon (Syuveil)
4D Violet Dragon (Kanzas)
4E Blue Dragon (Damia)
4F Golden Dragon (Balzac)
50 Flame Shot (Zieg)
51 Explosion (Zieg)
52 Final Burst (Zieg)
53 Red Dragon (Zieg)
- 55 to FE = game crash
** unclear = probably "de-transformation", for each character, so you may need the corresponding one already transformed to make it actually do something
II) [u]LEVELs[/u]
Now, let's talk about LEVELS: in game, it goes from 1 to 5 for Dragoon, but it all overlaps, so here is what happens :
[list]you get additionnal "level 5" : [b]11[/b] (0B), [b]17[/b] (11), [b]23[/b] (17), [b]29[/b] (1D), [b]35[/b] (23), [b]41[/b] (29), [b]47[/b] (2F) & [b]53[/b] (35)
[*]Kongol gets the most, because he's 1st in line
[*]Sharanda gets NONE, because they're last in line, trying to go further than 5 gives weird stats, and at some point, it makes the game crash
[*][b]If you modify Dragoon level of any character, they gain NEW SPELLS !!! And sidebonus: once activated, it's permenant, unless you use the same code again, to get back to 'normal level'[/b]
[*]What spells you get depends on what other cheat codes you used
[*]If you did not alter anything else, here's what happens:
- Kongol gets Fire-Dart's spells +the 1st of Haschel's
- Dart gets Hachel's spells
- Haschel gets Meru's
- Meru gets Miranda's, and they all cost 0 MP except Silver Dragoon costing the regular 80 MP
- Miranda gets Lavitz's, but her Dragoon stats are wacky (don't go further than 0B)
- Lavitz gets Rose's
- Rose gets Shana's
- Shana gets 4 Albert's Gaspless, and same as Miranda: stats are wacky, don't go further than 0B either
[*]if you altered their spells so that everyone gets...
- ...6 spells each, all characters will get the first 2 spells of the following one (same logic)
- ...5 spells each, all characters will get the first 3 spells of the following one (same logic)[/list]
Finally, what is eventually interesting here is that you can alter the %bonus ratio on Physical Attacks or Magical Attacks 8-)
It is especially interesting for Dart & Rose, who have 170% on both, whereas other guys get 220% on Magic, and other galls get 220% on Physical
II°a) [u]DRAGOON LEVEL & stats + extra 2 to 4 spells[/u]
220% Magic (0B=1D)
300BAF07 000B
220% Physical Attacks (11=17=29)
300BAF07 0011
170% Mag/Phys (05 = basis)
300BAF07 0023
220% Physical Attacks (0B=11=23)
300BAFB7 000B
220% Magic (05 = his basis)
300BAFB7 0017
170% Mag/Phys
300BAF07 001D
220% Magic
300BB00F 0011
220% Physical Attacks (0B=1D)
300BB00F 000B
170% Mag/Phys
300BAF07 001D
220% Magic (11=23=05 ~ his basis)
300BB03B 0011
220% Physical Attacks (17=1D=2F)
300BB03B 0017
170% Mag/Phys (0B=29)
300BAF07 000B
Albert (05 = 220% mag, his basis)
220% Physical Attacks
300BAFE3 0011
170% Mag/Phys
300BAFE3 000B
Lavitz (05 = 220% mag, his basis)
220% Physical Attacks
300BAF33 0011
170% Mag/Phys
300BAF07 000B
Rose à 220% Physical Attacks
300BAF8B 000B
II°a) [u]LEVEL (out of dragoon) & stats correspondance[/u]
What happens with "regular leveling" ? Same weird shit, it's meant to go from 1 to 60, but hexadecimals going from 0 to 255, it changes things
[b]There is ONE thing[/b] to take in account though: it's the level effects on the damage they inflict!!! As soon as you get passed 3C (60), statistics get boosted, and I haven't been able to figure out the exact modification it does.
For those who can't understand my weird charts:
- Dart's lvl 1 = Kongol lvl 62 (3E)
- Haschel's lvl 1 = Dart's lvl 62 (3E) = Kongol's lvl 123 (7B)
- Meru's lvl 1 = Haschel's lvl 62 (3E) = Dart's lvl 123 (7B) = Kongol's lvl 184 (B8)
- Alb-itz's lvl 1 = Meru's lvl 62 (3E) = Haschel's lvl 123 (7B) = Dart's lvl 184 (B8) = Kongol's lvl 245 (F5)
- Rose's lvl 1 = Alb-itz's lvl 62 (3E) = Meru's lvl 123 (7B) = Haschel's lvl 184 (B8) = Dart's lvl 245 (F5)
- Sharanda's lvl 1 = Rose's lvl 62 (3E) = Alb-itz's lvl 123 (7B) = Meru's lvl 184 (B8) = Haschel's lvl 245 (F5)
- Dart's lvl 60 = Kongol lvl 121 (79)
- Haschel's lvl 60 = Dart's lvl 121 (79) = Kongol's lvl 182 (B6)
- Meru's lvl 60 = Haschel's lvl 121 (79) = Dart's lvl 182 (B6) = Kongol's lvl 243 (F3)
- Alb-itz's lvl 60 = Meru's lvl 121 (79) = Haschel's lvl 182 (B6) = Dart's lvl 243 (F3)
- Rose's lvl 60 = Alb-itz's lvl 121 (79) = Meru's lvl 182 (B6) = Haschel's lvl 243 (F3)
- Sharanda's lvl 60 = Rose's lvl 121 (79) = Alb-itz's lvl 182 (B6) = Meru's lvl 243 (F3)
- Dart's lvl 11 = Kongol lvl 72 (48)
- Haschel's lvl 11 = Dart's lvl 72 (48) = Kongol's lvl 133 (85)
- Meru's lvl 11 = Haschel's lvl 72 (48) = Dart's lvl 133 (85) = Kongol's lvl 194 (C2)
- Alb-itz's lvl 11 = Meru's lvl 72 (48) = Haschel's lvl 133 (85) = Dart's lvl 194 (C2) = Kongol's lvl 255 (FF)
- Rose's lvl 11 = Alb-itz's lvl 72 (48) = Meru's lvl 133 (85) = Haschel's lvl 194 (C2) = Dart's lvl 255 (FF)
- Sharanda's lvl 11 = Rose's lvl 72 (48) = Alb-itz's lvl 133 (85) = Meru's lvl 194 (C2) = Haschel's lvl 255 (FF)
I've run some tests, comparing "lvl 1", here are my results [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/703412609323499522/703961662075437086/unknown.png[/img]
Gen1=01 ; gen2=3E ; gen3=7B ; gen4=B8, I haven't tested gen5. I used Kongol to compare 220% vs 170% on the same character (everything else the same). 3rd line is Magic/Atq total score (depending on what they were equiped with).
III) [u]COMBOs[/u]
AND FINALLY, you can alter their COMBO !!!
Dart's Blazing Dynamo
+250% dmg ; 340 SP
300BAF14 0077
+337% dmg ; 340 SP
300BAF14 001D
+750% dmg ; 100 SP
300BAF14 00A1
+500% dmg ; 142 SP
300BAF14 0041
Lavitz/Albert's Bloom Storm
+300% dmg ; 202 SP
300BAF3E 0053
+501% dmg ; 180 SP
300BAF3E 0089
+702% dmg ; 60 SP
300BAF3E 0059
+900% dmg ; 69 SP
300BAF3E 001D
Rose's Demon's Dance
+200% dmg ; 352 SP
300BAF95 00F4
+334% dmg ; 300 SP
300BAF95 006B
+468% dmg ; 100 SP
300BAF95 003B
+600% dmg ; 100 SP
300BAF95 0041
Haschel's Omni Sweep
+300% dmg ; 125 SP
300BAFC3 0095
+405% dmg ; 167 SP
300BAFC3 0029
+540% dmg ; 59 SP
300BAFC3 00DC
+684% dmg ; 58 SP
300BAFC3 00F4
Meru's Perky Step
+200% dmg ; 309 SP
300BB01A 00B8
+270% dmg ; 303 SP
300BB01A 0053
+334% dmg ; 279 SP
300BB01A 002F
+600% dmg ; 100 SP (basic max lvl)
300BB01A 0005
Kongol's Bone Crush
+200% dmg ; 354 SP
300BB044 00DC
+270% dmg ; 340 SP
300BB044 006B
+334% dmg ; 300 SP
300BB044 0053
+600% dmg ; 100 SP
300BB044 0029
Contrary to what's stated on the usual CodeBreaker data, 00-06 doesn't cover it all :
0000 = Double Slash
0001 = Volcano
0002 = Burning Rush
0003 = Crush Dance
0004 = Madness Hero
0005 = Moon Strike
0006 = Blazing Dynamo
0008 = Harpoon
0009 = Spinning Cane
000A = Rod Typhoon
000B = Gust of Wind Dance
000C = Bloom Storm
000E = Whip Smack
000F = More & More
0010 = Hard Blade
0011 = Demon's Dance
0013 = Pursuit
0014 = Inferno
0015 = Bone Crush
0017 = Double Smack
0018 = Hammer Spin
0019 = Cool Boogie
001A = Cat's Cradle
001B = Perky Step
001D = Double Punch
001E = Furry of Styx
001F = Summon 4 Gods
0020 = 5 Ring Shattering
0021 = Hex Hammer
0022 = Omni Sweep
00FF = Sharanda's Bow attack
All of this allows you to emuate more than 3 Battle characters 8-)
If you select one of these digits for the "Addition equiped" code, and also add a Joker Command to switch battle character to a corresponding one with said combo... you can, for instance...
1) Enter battle with Dart
2) Turn Dragoon, and take Shana's appearence with a joker command (warning though: not all sprits for Dragoon Physical Attack* are compatible...), but no problem while using magic
3) Using whichever magic you have altered... from Meru's Rainbow Breath to Albert's Rose Storm...
4) Before un-dragooning, swich to... Lavitz with another joker command (and previous to battle, have 0C Bloom Storm "addition equiped"), and BOOM : you can attack as Lavitz ! During combo, you'll hear Dart's voice, but when completed, it'll be Lavitz's voice.
FINALLY, we can battle Melbu Framah with the whole team, and not be stuck with 3 characters out of 7 (or 9 if you count the doubles)
- [i]for instance:
- Divine Dragoon Dart can attack looking like Red-Eye Dragoon Dart, but not the other way around
- Divine Dragoon Dart can attack looking like Haschel, but not as Rose
- Jade Dragoon Lavitz/Albert can attack looking like Golden Dragoon Kongol, but Dart can't
- etc.[/i]